2012년 11월 29일 목요일

Useful Cloud Service -foreign service

   Recently, Amazon began service in earnest in Korea. Because of it, the cloud market will be more competitive than before. In this situation, it is need to know many services from domestic to foreign. Then, let's check following foreign cloud services.

1. Dropbox (http://www.dropbox.com)

-Dropbox has most users among recent cloud storage services and is considered to give very stable service. 

-The advantage of dropbox is that any files in their storage can be synchronized in other equipment.

-If, in the equipment, dropbox was installed, the file is automatically installed either.

-You don't have to bring USB.        

-Dropbox, basically, offers 2GB of storage. 

-If you want to get more storage, you should pay money according to following picture. 

2. Amazon cloud(www.amazon.com/clouddrive/learnmore)

-Amazon cloud offer 5GB of storage, basically.

-Like Dropbox, if you install Amazon cloud, specific folder will be formed on your computer.  

-You can confirm the storage option, following picture.

-If you pay 20 dollars, you can save unlimited of songs on the cloud.

-Plus, different with other cloud storage service, Amazon cloud offer the cloud computing system format to public institutions.

3.Google drive(https://drive.google.com)

-Google drive offers 5GB of storage same as Amazon and icloud service.

-Google combine document function with cloud service.
It means that google offer cloud computing service to Private Users. 

-Because of above feature, If you use google frequently, google drive is more useful than any other cloud service.

-The storage option is following picture. 

4. icloud(https://www.apple.com/kr/icloud)

-icloud , different with above three cloud services, give their service only in apple equipment.

-icloud is only specialized service to apple users.

-However, if you set the photo streaming folder in PC, not in Mac, your pictures will be synchronized automatically.

-icloud also offers 5GB of storage.

-To upgrade storage capacity, you pay more money.  

- icloud is just cloud storage service. 

reference; http://finalcut-pro.tistory.com/130

2012년 11월 27일 화요일

Useful Cloud Service -domestic service

     In Korea, foreign cloud system is not familiar with. Therefore, most Koreans use Korean cloud service. 

Korean cloud service, actually,doesn't offer cloud computing service and just focus to offer the storage.

    The most popular and widely used service is following things.

1. Naver- "N Drive"

- Every Naver users can use "N drive" with their account.

-The user can get the 30GB of storage.

-If the user download "N drive" application , they can make synchronization between your phone and your own drive.

-The advantage of "N drive" is that computer recognize those drive with separate drive like C drive or d driver

2. Daum cloud

-Daum cloud opened their service after "N drive"

-To provide a differentiated service, they offer to their users 50GB of storage.

3. U cloud, U+box, T cloud

- These services is offered by mobile telecommunication company, KT, LG, SKT.

- Nowadays, in Korea, the market of cloud computing system is getting bigger and bigger.

- However it is too low level comparing with foreign big company.

-There is also disadvantage in N drive and Daum cloud. They don't give service of sharing music and video.

- KT gives their users capacity of 50GB, LG and SKT gives 10GB